Miracare Pharmacy is now offering private medical genetic and pharmacogenetic testing in collaboration with CEN4GEN Institute for Genomics and Molecular Diagnostics. These tests refer to screening patients to identify disease causing mutations and hereditary conditions along with pharmacogenetic testing to pinpoint the best medications for your conditions in terms of efficacy and reduced side effects.

This testing is important for:

  1. Confirmation or exclusion of a suspected diagnosis or genetic risk in the patient
  2. Establishment of a diagnosis or genetic risk in the patient
  3. Determination of carrier status in the patient
  4. For reproductive and family planning
  5. Determining the most appropriate therapy and medications

Some examples of commonly requested tests include:

  • Hereditary cardiovascular disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary cancers genetic testing
  • Common treatable hereditary disorders genetic testing
  • Male and female fertility disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary epilepsy / seizure disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary dementia disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary eye disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary metabolic disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary immunodeficiency disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary skin disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary deafness disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary lipid / cholesterol disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary diabetes disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary bleeding / blood clotting disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary fever disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary lung disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary connective tissue disorders genetic testing
  • Hereditary autism spectrum disorders genetic testing
  • and many more..

To learn more about medical genetic and pharmacogenetic testing, go to The CEN4GEN Institute's Website.
To ask a question or book an appointment, Call Today.

Come now for flu and travel shots!

If you are planning to travel outside of the country, make sure to get professional advise to stay healthy!